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![]() Runner up 2006: Teresa Joseph's story "Door to Door," was originally published by Adult Spy FRM.
Door to Doorby Teresa Joseph
It's been more than a month since the incident occurred, and yet I still haven't been able to figure out how I let it happen, let alone understand why. It was just another day like any other. I was sitting at home that afternoon, watching daytime TV, drinking a cup of tea and feeling just as bored as I always was. And so when the doorbell rang I jumped up right away, hoping against hope that Rita or one of my other friends had stopped by for a visit. When I opened the door however, I'm ashamed to admit that I actually tutted with disgust at the attractive blonde woman who was standing on my doorstep, holding a clipboard and grinning from ear to ear like a conceited Cheshire cat. After all, I might have been bored, but I still wasn't ready to sign up for double-glazing or whatever else it was that she might have been selling. She was obviously the type of woman who believed that sex could sell anything, and everything about her from the wide seductive smile and baby blue eyes to her tight low-cut top, miniskirt and high heels was designed to seduce people into doing what she wanted. But of course, I wasn't a man and definitely wasn't a dyke, so the more that she posed and fluttered my eyelashes at me, the more that I wanted to punch her lights out. "Hello," She purred erotically. "I'm just conducting a short survey and I was wondering if you'd be interested in taking part. Can I please come in?" I was just about ready to slam the door in her face. But then out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly caught sight of a gorgeous crystal amulet that lay between her cleavage. And as I stared down into it, hardly able to move, I felt myself begin to tingle with delight as a wonderful warm glow passed through my body. "Err...err yes!" I stammered, too mesmerised to remember my own name. "Please...please come in." I was gasping like a horny schoolgirl and I couldn't take my eyes away from her breasts for a second. I don't think that I'd ever had a lesbian fantasy before that day, but watching her walk through into the living room as she led me by the hand, at that moment I thought she was the most gorgeous person that I'd ever seen in my life. Sitting down together on the sofa, we must have stared longingly into each other's eyes for ten full minutes, me sitting rigidly, not knowing what to do, and her purring like the cat who'd got the cream as she gently stroked her fingers up and down my thigh. I closed my eyes and licked my lips with anticipation, praying that she would put her hand up my skirt. But the woman was a merciless tease, and as she continued to taunt me, all I could do was cross my legs as tightly as I could and whimper with frustrated delight. "Oh my, look at how tense you are," She cooed, gently pulling my hair back. And then tipping back my head, she lay a soft, loving kiss on my lips that made all my dreams come true. Wrapping our arms around each other in a sensuous adoring embrace, we kissed with tongues until we were both breathless. And as I reached down to kiss her soft graceful neck, I begged for her to take of her jacket and top. "Please!" I begged, still kissing and licking at her beautiful neck. "Please let me kiss your breasts." "Don't you want to show me your pussy first?" She purred mischievously. "Oh yes!" I gasped, jumping to my feet. I'd only fancied this woman for a few minutes and already I was ripping my skirt and knickers off, desperate to do what she asked. By now I was so horny that my knickers were already soaking wet. And when she gently stroked my pussy with the tips of her fingers, cooing with satisfaction at the results of her handiwork, I'll never forget the look of bliss on her face when I came so hard that I sprayed her fingers with honey. "And what about your tits?" She giggled. "Don't you want to show me your tits as well?" In the past, I'd always been the one who'd laughed at the pathetic moron who was too horny to think straight, but now I was just another puppet who was thinking with her pussy, manipulated and wrapped around this woman's little finger. Only when I was completely naked and down on my knees like a good little bitch did the woman uncross her legs to reveal her smooth tanned pussy. And while I had been mesmerised by the sight of her cleavage, the sight of her pussy made my mouth water so much that I needed to lick her out. God knows how many women she had "surveyed" before she had knocked on my door, but she seemed to know what she was doing, and she was definitely in control. My tongue was buried so deep inside her pussy that I never got a good look at the smile on her face, but from the way she was purring as she slowly stroked my long brown hair, it was clear that this was the whole point of the exercise. She obviously got such a thrill from making straight women strip naked and go down on their knees as her obedient sex slaves that it was hard for her to keep her clipboard steady. But even so, she still managed to ask every one of the questions on her list and giggle with orgasmic delight as I eagerly slurped in reply. "Question N# 1: Are you a horny little bitch?... Good." "Question N# 2: Will you do anything that I tell you like a good little sex toy?... Good." "Question N# 3: Does your telephone have a speed dial?... Excellent." The second that the woman reached over to pick up my phone, I knew exactly what it was that she was trying to do. I know that I should have tried to stop her, or at the very least, died of shame. But instead I just kept licking her pussy like a good little bitch as she rang up my best friend. "Hello...Rita? Do you know a woman named...Carla Hodgeson? Well, I just thought that you'd like to know that she's greedily licking my pussy at the moment, and I was just wondering if you'd like her to lick your pussy out as well." Even kneeling down between the woman's thighs, I could hear Rita yelling on the other end of the line. "How dare you call my friend a dyke!" She yelled. "Is this some sort of a joke?" "Oh no," purred the woman as she lovingly stroked my hair once again. "You're a good little pussy licker, aren't you, Carla. Tell Rita what a lovely little dyke you are. Tell her how much you'd like to lick her pussy." "I'm a good little dyke." I beamed enthusiastically with the woman's honey smeared all over my lips. "I do whatever my Mistress tells me to do and I'd love to lick your..." Rita slammed the phone down before I could finish, but I was certain that the woman wasn't going to take no for an answer. "It looks like were going to have to go and see your friend in person aren't we?" She smiled condescendingly. "And we can't take you out there naked, and so finally, Question N# 4: Do you have any uniforms or fetish gear that we can dress you up in?" I thought long and hard for a moment, and then I remembered the kinky little French Maid's uniform that I had bought for a costume party next week. The next thing I knew, I was dressed up like a total slut in stockings, suspenders, and high heels and being led out to the woman's car. The uniform skirt was so short and skimpy that, since I wasn't wearing any knickers, I'm sure that everyone in the street got a good look at my pussy as the woman opened the boot of her car and invited me to climb inside. Even as I look back at it now, while I know that I should have slapped the bitch's grinning face or at the very least insisted that I be allowed to sit in the back seat, it still feels right for me to have been treated like a puppet. After all, that's what I'd become. It took ten minutes to drive to Rita's house, and as amazing as it may sound, I found the boot so comfortable that when we actually arrived at her house I didn't want to leave it. "Are you sure?" asked the woman maternally, and one glimpse of her smooth wet pussy and the beautiful amulet around her neck quickly turned me into an obedient little puppet once again. When Rita opened her front door and saw me dressed up like a lesbian slut and under the survey woman's spell, she looked so angry that even mindless and mesmerised, I was certain that she was going to beat the crap out of both of us. But a single moment later when Rita caught a glimpse of her glistening crystal necklace, all the anger seemed to drain from her face as the lesbian spell took hold. "Carla's come to lick your pussy," she purred erotically, savouring the thrill of wrapping another straight woman around her little finger. "Can we please come in?" "Oh yes," gasped Rita, looking even hornier than I had been when I first saw her. "Please come in and sit down and I'll take my knickers off." "Didn't I tell you that she was a good little lesbian bitch?" purred the woman as she and Rita sat side by side on her brown leather sofa and I greedily licked out each of their pussies in turn. But Rita was far too dazed to answer, staring deeply into the sparkling crystal as I made her come. However, when the time came for her to complete the woman's survey, she was more than eager to comply. "Question N# 3: Does your telephone have a speed dial?" "Hello Sally," said Rita, having rang up one of her other friends, following the woman's orders as I continued licking her slit. "I'm calling to tell you that I'm a really horny dyke and that Carla is licking my pussy right now. Would you like her to lick your pussy as well?" But just like her friend before her, the woman on the other end of telephone wasn't exactly pleased by this. And even slurping at Rita's pussy with her legs crossed around my head, I could still hear Sally screaming and swearing. Despite the torrent of verbal abuse, however, we were all still grinning with delight as Rita answered yes to question 4. And once she had changed into her old Guide-Leader's uniform and stiletto heels, the woman decided that it was time to put her tongue to good use. "Rita? Do you have a camera?" She asked mischievously as Rita went down on her knees between the woman's legs and began licking her out like a pro. "Yes, a digital one on top of the cabinet," she slurped eagerly. And so, having been asked to fetch the camera, a few moments later I was photographing my best friend's first lesbian encounter and moaning with satisfaction as I felt my own pussy begin to tingle once again. "And how about some pictures of the two of you together," purred the woman, still savouring the tingle in her naked pussy as she signalled for Rita and I to stand side by side. "Why don't you give each other a long deep kiss. Yes, that's it. And put your hands up each other's skirts. Yes. That's lovely." Once we'd humiliated ourselves for the camera, licking each other's pussies in our very first sixty-nine, the woman took the camera's memory card as a momento and decided that it was time for our humiliation to move into a far more public domain. "Hello madam," I greeted cheerily, as Rita and I stood grinning on the doorstep of number 72, fluttering my eyelashes like the saleswomen that I had once despised. "My name is Carla and this is Rita, and we were just wondering if you'd like us to lick your pussy for you." As she watched us from her car, the woman couldn't help but laugh as the door was slammed in our faces. "Please! Please don't go!" I called through the letterbox. "You can watch us lick each other's pussies instead!" Still hopelessly trapped under the woman's hypnotic spell, Rita and I spent the rest of the day knocking on doors and asking the women if we could lick their pussies. And despite a torrent of verbal abuse and several outright threats, we were still grinning like mindless sex toys when we finally returned to Rita's house. "Did you enjoy that?" teased the woman sadistically, having ordered us to kneel down like a pair of obedient puppies as if to emphasise her authority. "Yes Miss," we replied in harmony. "We really liked it a lot." "Well then Rita, why don't you invite Carla and I up to your bedroom so that we can all have a nice long fuck." "Yes Miss." We squealed like a couple of kids on their way to Disney world. And soon we were all laid naked in Rita's queen-sized bed, kissing and caressing each other so deeply that we could feel each other's groans of delight. A few hours later, the woman told us to keep on fucking one another senseless and then left without a word. And while neither of us have ever seen the woman since that day, we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other's breasts and pussies for a single moment, and nothing will ever be the same again. ![]()
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